Good System Programs

Kids Connect

In response to the school closing from March 16 and March 27 (and now potentially for an extended period of time), three community nonprofit organizations in Montgomery County, MD — Lead for Future Academy, Chinese American Parents Association of Montgomery County, and Good System — have joined forces to create a new program, Kids Connect, to help stay-at-home students socialize, entertain, and learn together online.

During a brief pilot phase between March 16 and March 19, the program was well received and reached dozens of families and hundreds of students. We appreciate the efforts by student volunteers/tutors and their parents, as well as the enthusiasm of the participating families. We're encouraged to expand the program to serve our community at large for as long as needed. For more information such as current offerings, student volunteer/tutor sign-up, etc., please visit Kids Connect Program.

Nonprofit Tools Showcase

Our volunteers have worked with various nonprofits that benefited from a wide range of tools offered free or at discount for 501(c)(3) organizations. Now we want to share our experience with other community doers.

Some Examples:

Please contact us at to let us know what you are trying to accomplish, or what tools you'd like to explore.

Help Restaurant Workers Apply for Assistance(帮助餐馆员工申请慈善救助)

This program is not active any more. During a period of approximately two weeks from late March to early April 2020, we were able to connect with dozens of local community members. We helped them with information regarding Restaurant Employee Relief Fund, and eventually helped them connect with a larger community assistance group that focuses on government unemployment programs.

COVID-19 造成很多店铺门庭冷落,或者被迫关门歇业。这些店里以工资收入为主要收入来源的员工很多不幸被降薪甚至丢了工作。 我们作为一个草根社区组织,没有能力帮到所有的人,但是也希望能尽力给有需要的朋友提供一些小小的帮助,希望大家都能平安度过难关。

从 4 月 2 日开始,有一项针对餐馆业员工的慈善资助金 Restaurant Employee Relief Fund 可以申请,符合条件的申请人可以收到 500 美元,帮助申请人在困难时期支付一些必要的开支。 我们目前在联系一些社区义工,请他们来帮助有需要申请的餐馆业员工申请这项资助。

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